“What do Christians believe?” “What are the basics?” “Where does it say that in the Bible?” And, "why does it say that?"
Join us for an 8-week course on the basics of Christian belief, starting Sunday, September 29, at 10:15 am in our Social Hall, downstairs. Coffee and breakfast snacks will be provided!
You'll need to bring a Bible (Pastor James recommends an ESV Study Bible), pen, notebook, and all the questions you want to ask. Everyone is welcome and no question is off the table!
Please register so we can plan food and materials. Click the link below or call (631) 298-4145.
September 29:
Why Is the Bible Important?
October 6:
Do Christians Worship Three Gods or One?
October 13:
Does God Know the Future?
October 20: NO CLASS
Pat Hanly’s Commissioning, 10:00 am!
October 27:
Why Is There Evil in the World? November 3:
Why Did Jesus Become Human?
November 10:
Why Did Jesus Die on a Cross?
November 17:
Who Is the Holy Spirit?
November 24:
Why Is the Church Important?