Children's Sunday School takes place during the 9:00 am Service.
All Children in Pre-K through 5th grade are welcome to attend. Please attend the 9:00 service in the sanctuary with your children and they will be dismissed to Sunday School at the appropriate time.
Please register your child for Sunday School /sunday-school-registration
Why Sunday School?
- Your children get biblical instruction geared to their developmental abilities
- Your children will build positive friendships with their peers in an atmosphere of discovering God's Word together
- A dedicated teacher is a Christian role model who supports you and inspires the faith of your children
- Our curriculum is designed to give a broad foundation
- Our teachers pray for your children's faith to grow. Their presence at Sunday School provides another occasion for God to answer those requests
- Our teachers work hard to teach the Bible in ways that are relevant and fun for kids
- Making Sunday School a priority shows your children that God's Word does matter